Network for Information and Digital Access

Science Cultural Center (C3): Makerspace

Coordinating Organisation Ministry of Science, Technology and innovation, Argentina
Organisers/Type of Organisation Government
Initiative Type Digital Design and Construction, 3-D printing, FabLab, Robotics, Animation, Circuit Bending
Field of Science Involved Natural Sciences and Technology
Target Audience(s) Young children (6-12 years old), families and young adults
Reach National

Main Objectives

To offer a space of non-formal hands-on learning and project development, with the aid of appropriate scientific and technological supplies, to the general population.

Description of work

The MakerSpace was inaugurated in November 2016 and initially focused on the young children audience, offering almost 50 workshops aimed at kids aged 8 to 12. Workshops have included hands-on activities on electronic circuitry, animation, robotics, programming, 3D printing. The Centre is currently developing a program for young adults.


Audience turnout and compliance have been remarkable. About 1000 children have participated in the activities (which, in some cases, were serial, i.e. the children had to attend several consecutive sessions).

The Centre also hosted the first MiniMaker Faire in Argentina, in May 2016, with about 3000 people attending and tens of members of the Maker community showed their work and offered workshops on specific technologies.

Resources used or generated

The Centre is developing a series of programs aimed at different audiences in order to take full advantage of the MakerSpace. They are also securing private sponsors for the materials needed in the space. They have an agreement with the “” NGO that organizes activities for young children.

View the profile on the broader work of the Science Cultural Center (C6)’s work in science communication.

The video below is of a Science Cultural Centre event shows an experiment with scientists and fashion designers:  a researcher was teamed up with a ta fashion designer and  they worked together on a design that had to be inspired in some way by the field of science.

Contact Details
Principal Contact National Program for Science Popularization, Ministry of Science,
Technology and Innovation, Argentina
Address Polo Científico Tecnológico. Godoy Cruz 2270.
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina
e-mail [email protected]
Social Media Facebook
Twitter - @CCdelaciencia

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