Network for Information and Digital Access

Connect with Science

Sustained development requires knowledgeable citizens who understand science to help make informed choices and decisions.

Science and technology need to be relevant and applicable to local circumstances. To ensure this, interactions between ordinary people and scientists are needed to enable continuous evaluation and adaptation. The teaching of modern science cannot be restricted to standard textbooks, but requires critical thinking and participation. Science is a practical matter where interest and natural curiosity should be stimulated, encouraged and supported.

Improving levels of science literacy helps ensure that science addresses the real needs of communities.   Hands-on experimentation and innovation in local public spaces can contribute to the sharing of innovative experiences and developing skills in the application of scientific understanding.

NIDA’s Connect with Science programme aims to contribute to science literacy and the role of science in makerspaces.  A brief background can be viewed through a presentation compiled at the outset of activities: 'Connect with Science': Strengthening and supporting communities through science literacy and science in makerspaces given by Valentina De Col, Programme & Research Officer, NIDA in Trieste, 23 - 25 October 2017.

Practical activities to date include research, pilot projects, case studies and impact assessment; full details of which can be found from links through the programmes’ three web sections Science LiteracyScience in Makerspaces and Impact Assessment.

© La main à la pâteCERLSNaDEET

Left: ©La main à la pâte, Togo
Centre ©CERLS, China
Right: ©NaDEET,  'Now I know how to solar cook', Namibia